My friend from high school buzzed my phone and asked me if I could take photos of her one day. We took a trip "around town" and found a couple spots to work at. I loved that she was game to do anything . .even go into the water and get her dress wet.
At our second location, we got stopped by a couple kids who thought she was some famous model and asked if I could take a picture of them together. I don't understand why they would think that. Don't normal people dress up really nice and have their photos taken at night?
In the studio June 26th with Arlynn recording the latest song "This is All" by The Shiny Octopus.
The Shiny Octopus was so moved by the the situation with the kids and the footage we took in the Philippines that it inspired them to rewrite one of their songs to help and use the video to draw attention to the kids' plight.
We'll be producing the music video within the next few months which will include clips of our trip in the Philippines visiting the various schools.
"THIS IS ALL" (c)2007 Min A. & RAL Music Video (c)2010 p3Vision Productions